Daughter of Oberon and ?
A tall woman, thin and lanky, stands straight in the precise center of this card: so precise, indeed, that it looks awkward, amateur. Or perhaps it's the woman's own awkwardness and discomfort showing through. Long hair, brown and straight, falls to blend at her shoulders with the plain brown and black she wears: tunic and pants, without so much as a belt for decoration. Her eyes are downcast, their color impossible to make out.
This card is present in the older Trump decks; generally discarded alongside the others of the dead. Whoever the woman upon it is, she is gone so long that most do not even remember so much as her name.
In the mythology surrounding the royals' Trumps and the Tarot in Amber, this nameless woman is frequently associated with the Void. Not all decks so much as include this card. Its face is invariably a featureless jet-black.
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