Son of Oberon and Isabella
And a big, powerful man regarded me from the next card. He resembled me quite strongly, save that his jaw was heavier, and I knew he was bigger than I, though slower. His strength was a thing out of legend. He wore a dressing gown of blue and gray clasped about the middle with a wide, black belt, and he stood laughing. About his neck, on a heavy cord, there hung a silver hunting horn. He wore a fringe beard and a light mustache. In his right hand he held a goblet of wine.
After the death of Queen Harla, Oberon took up association with one of his old flames: Isabella, already mother of his son Caine. This time, they married. Gerard is the younger of the two children resultant. His love of the seas is second only to his love of Amber; he served as regent while the eternal city's forces were locked in battle in the Courts, and has since returned to his post as Admiral of the Southern Fleet.
Gerard is, as he admits himself, not entirely clever. He is stubborn, clinging to an idea as long as he possibly can, in the face of all argument: it is his only defense against his siblings' webworks of lies. His place in the family game is that of haven, of one who can be trusted to protect a life. The price of this: when he feels himself or Amber betrayed, the betrayer will learn a lesson at Gerard's own hands. Generally, his siblings have felt the lessons worth the protection. For the most part.
In the mythology surrounding the royals' Trumps and the Tarot in Amber, Gerard is frequently associated with the Tower. It may be notable that, in Amber, the Tower (also called the Hospital) implies stability rather than disaster. Disaster is given to the Wild Hunt card, instead.
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The quote above is from Nine Princes in Amber, by Roger Zelazny.