Daughter of Oberon and Clarissa
Then there was Fiona, with hair like Bleys or Brand, my eyes, and a complexion like mother of pearl.
Fiona is the eldest child of Oberon and the hotheaded sorceress Clarissa. She was always considered the leader of the three redheads, or at least the spokesperson - not simply through the privilege of age. She studied the arts of sorcery under the tutelage of Dworkin himself, and few if any living know more than she of the secrets of magic and Pattern alike. Her knowledge is useful enough to King Random that he has overlooked certain minor points, such as her treachery, her participation in the conspiracy to kidnap Oberon and imprison him, her alliance with Chaos, her... But why belabor the point? Whatever she's done, it's been forgiven, if grudgingly. It always has been.
And it's still being. Though King Random is no doubt quite aware of Fiona's interest in the Courts, and her fascination with the additional secrets and powers and arts that she can now study openly rather than in snatched, secret moments, he has done nothing whatsoever to put her under supervision. Perhaps he trusts her. Then again, perhaps he's simply considerate of the potential supervisor's life or sanity.
In the mythology surrounding the royals' Trumps and the Tarot in Amber, Fiona is frequently depicted as the Magician: her diminutive form directs the spirits of heaven and earth to do her bidding, surrounded by the traditional trappings of pentacle, knife, wand, and chalice.
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The quote above is from Nine Princes in Amber, by Roger Zelazny.